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We want to help you with your website by recommending places that will help.


There is work involved to get the traffic but this really works. To make sure you are reaching out to many people don't just do one TE (traffic exchange). I recommend opening at least 4 accounts with TE's and surfing between tabs.  Log in to your account, open a new tab go to your next site and do the same until you logged in to them. Then start surfing on all the sites at once. This will save you time as well as getting more views to different people. Switch between tabs and click the image between countdowns.

Easy Hits 4 U

The basic idea behind this site is to review sites to get you credits and in return, you will use the credits to get traffic to your website. There are two ways to earn credits in surfing sites. The first one, which is pointless.. gives you a half credit for viewing a site for 15 seconds. Don't waste your time doing that when you can get a whole credit for viewing a site for 20 seconds. The best option is to view for full credits.  Using the site to earn credits this way is free. If you just don't want to spend all your time sitting at the computer to view sites, there are ways to pay for credits as well. Set up your site in the My Sites tab and after you are approved (24hours or less) your credits will instantly get you views or traffic. 


Earning Credits

When earning credits some of your credits will be auto assigned to your website. The other credits will bank for you to manually choose how much to assign to your websites. Make sure that you check your My Sites tab to see if you have available credits. When they sit in the bank, the points are doing nothing for your site or sites.


When surfing in the top left you will see a countdown timer. Once you reach zero you will have to click the duplicate picture in the top left or do a simple math problem. You will get your credit after each click. After 25 website views you will get to claim a prize. It could be extra credits, banner displays and others.


Make sure you set up a banner cause it will display it on the site so users can see it. This is a great way to let people know about your site.


This is one of the surfing bonuses you can win. This prize was rewarded after viewing 100 sites. Keep in mind you get a prize every 25 sites viewed. The prizes get better the more you surf.


This site is like EasyHits4U only on this site you wait 12 seconds in between site views. 1 credit per site, we did not see any bonuses for surfing on this site. There is a referal bonus for traffic if you get your link out there and gain users to use the site. This not only helps you, it will also help them by getting traffic for using trafficg.

Traffic Swirl

This site is a little different than the ones mentioned above. It has a chat,many different advantages such as turbo surf, and rewards. There are different games every day of the week to win treasure chests and keys. You can also win cash chests. Traffic Swirl makes it a little more fun to earn credits to advertise your sites.

Loud Traffic

Loud Traffic has a unique traffic system that allows you to choose how many times the same viewer can see your site in 24hrs. If you leave it set to 24hours the user can only see your site once in 24hours. This is a good thing making it shown to more than a few people multiple times. 


They also have a 180 day inactivity policy. If you don't login

and keep your account active, it will be deleted.  Not a big deal when you are trying to drive traffic as you are going to be logging in and surfing to gain credits.

Alternative to Google Adsense


Another unique TE site. Admagy has a different approach. View around 40 adds and they will show your site for 24 hours. No wondering if your out of credits or not. Once you are done viewing ads. Go back to advertise page and post ad. It will remain active for 24 hours.


This is a great rated traffic exchange site that will also help you get views and sales.


Trafficera can actually provide you with 4 separate advertising streams, allowing you to reach out to millions of potential customers from all over the world. And the best part, is that you can actually tap into anyone online, even if they are not a member of trafficera! This goes way beyond what any other single program can do.

Webmaster Quest

A highly respected TE with a 20 second timer. You get one credit for one view. 48 Hour Unique Hits not to show all of your credits to the same viewers. Promote banners and textlinks. This is what stands out about this site As a free member you can post unlimited websites!


Webmaster Quest also has a 10% commision for referrals and a 5 level referral program.

Viral Traffic Machine

Another favorite.. Why? Cause you can put the link in you want to advertise. Then, go to your other Traffic Exchange sites and get credits for views for Viral Traffic Machine by using the generated link. As a new member you get 1000 credits free.


We used this technique got 250 views from Viral Traffic Machine and doubled our credits just in a few days. So when you use the generated link say at Traffic G for example.. you are gaining credits for both Viral Traffic and Traffic G. When someone views the link it adds more views to viral traffic.

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